Making a Comeback!

Hello there! I had posted something on my personal social media but felt it was appropriate to share it on my business blog. I started this company back in 2007 and it was wonderful! I had a huge support group of these incredible photography mamas who helped me in many ways. They helped start my design journey, and I’ve always focused on photographers. I dropped off the map around 2013 and stopped designing completely. I started doodling instead and found a much-needed creative outlet that carried me through some pretty dark times. It’s been 10 years now (WOW!) and I’m finally getting back into the swing of things. I’m designing like I used to and have found so much joy in it. It feels so great to be back! Below are just a handful of digital art that I’ve done in the last few months. I also do a lot of pen art that I’ll share soon!

Jennifer Culp